Slide Background
7 sessions 20 Minutes
Orientation and Onboarding
Corporate Expectations
Improving Employability
SWOT Analysis
Catchy Resume
Tackling Interviews
Joining a Job
30 Sessions Of 20 Minutes
Business Knowledge
Pre- Start up Actions
Setting Up a Business
Managing A Business
Business Skills To Grow

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Campus To A Career

  • Transitioning from campus to a career is a significant milestone, and it’s essential to bridge the gap between academic achievements and the professional world.
  • The journey involves not just completing a syllabus, but also acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an unfamiliar environment.
  • Whether it’s entering the job market or launching a business venture, the transformation demands a blend of theoretical understanding and practical experience. 
  • To increase the chances of success, one must focus on seamless integration into the workforce, developing a personality that aligns with job requirements, and gaining insights into productivity for optimal performance.
  • For aspiring entrepreneurs, it’s about grasping the basics of business, comprehending various terminologies, and mastering the art of planning, setting up, and running a successful enterprise.
  • With the right guidance, tailored to fit into a busy schedule, anyone can enhance their prospects and embark on a path to sustainable growth and profitability.


  • Free online guidance
  • Relevant and precise
  • 30 minutes module.

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About Our Courses

Course Features

1. Online Program
2. Relevant Professional Guidance for Start-Ups
3. To Think Better and Prosper in Business
4. Convenient Timings
5. Not-for-Profit Venture

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